GSP™ Course NDA - Questions

Below are common questions and answers regarding the Course Non-Disclosure Agreement (Course NDA) and Confidentiality Agreements. Most questions about the agreements are answered below. If you read through all the questions and answers and need additional clarification or assistance, please reference the email at the bottom of this page.

Common Questions

What is an NDA?

An NDA, or Non-Disclosure Agreement, is a legal contract in which one or more people agree to keep certain information private and not share it with others. It's used to protect sensitive or confidential information, such as business ideas or trade secrets.

Why do I have to agree to this?

This course contains unique and proprietary information unavailable elsewhere. To protect this valuable information (intellectual property), all participants must agree not to share the confidential information they learn. Many businesses and professional organizations require an NDA before disclosing any proprietary information. 

How can I offer sound baths if I can't share what I learn?

This course is designed for people who want to play sound baths and offer sound bath events. The Course NDA and Confidentiality Agreement do not in any way hinder your ability to play sound baths, facilitate sound bath events, or have a successful business playing sound baths.

The NDA prevents you from copying, sharing, or teaching others our proprietary information, sound bath playing methods, and techniques (including the course structure). However, any information in the course already in the public domain can be freely shared. For example, the course contains information on music theory that is not unique to us and can be found publicly.

The agreements are in place to prevent you from teaching others the unique information taught in the course or sharing it publicly (i.e., in a book, article, video, social media, or website). 

What information can and can't be shared? 

This course contains both public and confidential information. You are free to share information in the public domain, such as information about the nervous system or music theory. The science and music sections largely contain information that is available and not considered confidential. What is confidential about these sections is how the information is organized and taught. So, while you can share information in the public domain, you cannot create any material that copies the structure of how it is given.

Confidential information includes all information unique to us. Confidential information includes:

  • The course syllabus.
  • Training structure.
  • Most instrument-playing techniques.
  • Sound bath templates and structure.
  • Sound bath playing and event strategies.
  • Much of the about sound baths section.
  • Course assignments.
  • Test and quiz questions.
  • and any other content that is unique to us.

Please give me the basics of the Confidentiality Agreements in non-legal terms.

Sure! Here are the basics:

  • Nothing in these agreements prevents or restricts your ability to play sound baths, hold sound bath events or operate a sound bath-playing business. 
  • You may NOT teach most of what you learn in this course to other people, whether in person, in print, or digitally. By "teach" we mean you cannot share with others how to play gongs, crystal singing bowls, or sound baths using our proprietary methods and techniques. For example, you cannot hold your own soundbath training based on our course structure or original playing techniques and methods.
  • You CAN share public information (e.g., much of the science and music theory portions).
  • The entire course is considered intellectual property created and owned by Ascending Sounds. 
  • You may NOT copy, duplicate, or share any portion of this course (e.g., screenshots, photos, allowing someone else access to the course). For example, you cannot take a screenshot of a paragraph in the Gong Playing section and share it on social media.
  • You are learning proprietary techniques and information you cannot get anywhere else. These techniques and information are legally protected information you cannot pass along to anyone else. 

What if I want to teach others or think I will in the future?

Teaching others requires you to create your own content and course structure, and you will need to ensure you are not violating the course confidentiality agreement and NDA when creating your course. Essentially, you cannot teach any of the proprietary information that you learn in this course at any point in time. 

Those who have taught in the past, are currently teaching, or plan to teach in the next 24 months others how to play gongs, crystal singing bowls, or sound baths are ineligible for the course. Some exceptions apply - please reach out to Ascending Sounds with questions. 

What if I already teach people about sound baths or sound healing?

If you already teach about playing gongs, crystal singing bowls, or sound baths, you must speak with us before registering for the course to ensure that you are eligible to take it. It may be difficult to separate the proprietary information you learn in this course from what you already teach, leading to potential violations of the Confidentiality Agreement & NDA. 

What if I register and then decide that I don't want to sign the Course NDA?

You have all the information required to help you decide whether this course is for you and if you are likely to violate the terms of the Course NDA. Suppose you register and choose not to sign the Course NDA. In that case, you can request a refund (if you qualify) under the Grace Period policy outlined in the Participant Handbook. Ascending Sounds will only honor refund requests within the grace period and following the grace period terms & conditions. If you are unsure about whether you can abide by the terms in the Course NDA, it is best to contact us before you register. 


If you have any more questions, please contact us at